Saturday, March 30, 2013

Paper Rusting
A small experience as an aside from the usual practise of calligraphy, the Easter break found some of us trying paper rusting. This process is almost uncontrollable, after dipping our paper in various chemicals, they were left to dry. The chemicals interacted with each other creating organic patterns.
These are some of the chemicals used. We now have piles of paper to look at and use over the winter. Dale is hanging out her sheets and checking the ones that are dry.
Thank you to Diane Johnson who was there with her camera, now we have a record of the day.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our April workshop with Jan Leonard is approaching, if you have missed the previous two do not worry, bring along a quotation you like and discover how to arrange it, view the various options and choose the one that you prefer. Start time 6.30pm on April 2nd at Windmill Road, Epsom.

Coming up next month is Brush Bash with Tom Smith, keep the 7th May free. Watch this space for more details.

Our A.G.M. is being held on the 4th June, at Windmill Road. Keep this time free please and do come and make sure your society is run in the best way for all members. We need your input, you count.