Saturday, May 31, 2014

 'Making Good Letters and Arranging them Well'
Margaret Woollett -Tutor
I am offering a calligraphy class with a difference. Looking at some of the foundations of where our western calligraphy has come from. 
Working our way through, Edward Johnston's books, "Writing & Illuminating & Lettering" and "Lessons in Formal Writing"….using these 'classics' and learning from the 'Master' himself. There is a huge amount of information and knowledge contained within these volumes.
A good foundation of the why/how/what, is fundamental to producing good lettering. Looking afresh at some of the very basics of calligraphy by doing, and experiencing the problems, then, finding solutions, and putting it all in to practice, will be what this class is about.
Edward Johnston's wealth of knowledge, found in these volumes will change the way we see letters and enhance the letters we make. Johnston insisted, "learning must be from making actual things"…. I intend in this class, to make an 'actual thing'… what ever you want that 'thing' to be… To do this collectively, offers a wider view point, a learning together, a sharing of experiences, and processes, making our own learning faster and greater.
It will be a regular fortnightly class - this it is important as it will assist us in developing and keeping our hand trained. Dates yet to be confirmed - hope to begin end of June, I am able in my studio to accommodate up to 8 people 'cosily' or we could look at another more central venue - I am in  Narrow Neck, Devonport- another venue would come at more cost, which is not something I want to incur!
Many classes are the study of a certain style of 'hand' with exemplars provided…we will not be working from 'exemplars' per se …  we will look as 'EJ' does, on how to analyze a hand, make formal hands, versals, design elements, colour, tools, gold etc.
Looking to begin this class, Thursday 26th June.
Open to all, from beginners, to those like me, with many years of writing experience, but a desire to learn more. 
Look forward to your queries.
To contact Margaret Woollett by email click the following Margaret's email or
Ph: 09 4451205, MOB: 021 1283424

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Please continue to use your journals as often as you can. We would like to publish anything you think might be of interest to others who are doing the same thing. We would like to know how you made the time to do it, and the sorts of things you used it for. Sometimes solutions for you can help someone else who has ground to a halt. Please contact Dale if you would like to share.
Collaborative book.
This is on hold temporarily as members are over committed with courses and completion of other calligraphy artwork. If you want to continue please contact Dale as there may be enough people to continue a smaller edition. The contact details are in the sidebar of this blog.
Reminder. Artwork with 'Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter' for the magazine is needed now, please make sure you send it to Dale or bring along to the A.G.M. if you cannot.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Max Gimblett's work has arrived for the sumi workshops at Waikato University. For more information click here. Registration is open now.

Consider the packaging used to transport artworks to an exhibition, it is a skill you may be required to know and then use for the safe transport of your own work for sale or entry to an exhibition.

Thursday, May 08, 2014



10th June, 6pm - 9pm at the Gifford Gallery, 27a Poronui Street, Mt Eden.

Artwork and Calligraphy Jan Leonard

Come along and see us on Tuesday evening and catch up with what we have been up to over the past year. We will be running a lucky door prize, competitions, short workshop reports, a continuous raffle, a photo display and if everyone brings a plate there will be a superb supper. We would love to see you one and all.